Motivation for success in children

August 1, 2022

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” - Dale Carnegie

It is often a challenge for a child to find a passion and stay motivated for success. As parents, we can reinforce motivation for success in our children by helping them with identifying their passion and helping them in their journey to success.

Here are some key ingredients that I believe will help in improving the motivation for success in your child.

Discovering the Passion early

Time is a precious resource and it must be spent wisely with the right focus on something that is of perceived value. Therefore, it is important that your child realises his values and passion and spends the time in realising this passion.

Importance of Learning vs Scoring well in Exams

Understanding the fundamental concepts to be able to analyse real-life situations and enhance the quality of life and society is the goal of learning. On the contrary, studying to get more marks in exams without any application of the concepts is a waste of effort. Emphasis should be given to understanding the fundamental concepts. This might take more time and effort than learning to score in exams. However, in most cases, doing so would result in success in exams as well.

Focus on the Process rather than the Outcome

Having the desire or ambition to achieve greater heights is good. However, mastering the process and diligently completing all activities to the best of one's abilities is the key. Focussing on the task on hand and completing them on time will build competency over the process. This competency over a process can be applicable to any field and lead to successful achievement of any goal. You do not need to worry about any competition or any competitor as you will push your own limits through your mastery of the process.

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Fear is in the mind. It is not real. Focussing on something that is imaginative is non-productive. It is like watching a fantasy movie or a ghost story and seeing yourself as part of it. How many times have you feared something and it has come true? Probably 1 or 2 times out of a hundred, if at all. Therefore, reinforce in your mind that fear is unreal and focus on the task in hand and how you can execute it to the best of your abilities.

Directing your Mind, Body and Spirits to your Passion

By organising our thoughts positively, we can harness our creativity that can help us realise our goals. Our mind is the driver of both positive and negative actions. If we have a positive mindset we can achieve any positive outcome, no matter how unachievable they seem in the beginning. This is the reason why aeroplanes were invented, as otherwise, it would have been impossible for humans to take to the air. Capabilities of human beings are phenomenal. We can achieve anything we want by having a positive mindset and getting rid of any doubts or limitations that we may have as a result of our past experiences.

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